Tempo alterations finale 2014.5 not working
Tempo alterations finale 2014.5 not working

tempo alterations finale 2014.5 not working

You have just added an expression to the expression library - it is now available to use elsewhere in this document. To adjust the marking, drag its handle to remove it, click the handle and press DELETE. Click OK and then Assign to return to the score.Type “accel.” or “accelerando.” Finale automatically applies the font, size, and style of the Tempo Alterations category.The Expression Designer dialog box appears. If you do not see the "accel." expression, continue: Positioning is based on the Tempo Alterations category settings (see Category Designer). Finale places the "accel." expression into the score. If you see the “accel.” expression in the list, double-click it.All the tempo alteration expressions appear in the preview window. The Expression Selection dialog box appears. Double-click on, above, or below the note or measure to which you want to attach the marking.If you want to indicate a gradual increase of tempo graphically, see Beaming: feathered beaming. or accelerando is an expression in the Tempo Alterations category, which you place into your score with the Expression tool. Use the popup menu to set the note value-quarter note, for example. The number you type here is the standard metronome setting (beats per minute). Enter the starting tempo in the Tempo text box.The Playback Controls expand, offering additional controls. Noteman says: Expressions defined to set the playback tempo (such as those created with the Create Tempo Marking plug-in), override the tempo set in the playback controls. For a complete discussion of this process (capturing MIDI data), see To specify playback parameters. If your score is a transcription of a performance you recorded with the Transcription Mode in an earlier version of Finale, however, you also have the option of hearing a playback with the actual tempo of the original performance, including any fluctuations. I will post a demo of how that works soon.The tempo you set with this procedure is the default starting tempo Finale uses when it plays back your score by “reading” the notated, quantized music.


I’ve set up a series of QuicKeys that let me create or duplicate an expression in a given category without spending time in menus.

tempo alterations finale 2014.5 not working

This allows you to set various default behaviors for different kinds of expressions (for example, if I want score text to attach to the left barline or click position). Speaking of setting things up, in the second image below, you can see the various expression categories I’ve created to sort score markings. As always, you should have a template set up with ‘dummy’ entries you can duplicate when necessary, instead of having to create everything new each time. I also use 14 pt bold text (not fixed) for my normal expression indications. Note that to do this, you will have to uncheck “Use Tempo Marks Category Fonts” and set these fonts manually. I also like the quarter note in the tempo indication to balance with the rest of the text, so I will set it at 12 pt (Engraver Text). The best way to accomplish this is to use fixed size fonts my standard is Times New Roman Bold, 14 pt. Tempo and other score indications should be large enough for the conductor to read easily.

Tempo alterations finale 2014.5 not working